The Waverly Newspapers accepts submissions to the Community Calendar via email. Please send in events to be listed at least three weeks in advance of the date of the event. Submissions should be typed into the body of an email and sent to Please do not capitalize every word. Do include date, time, location and a contact person for each event. If you wish to not have a phone number published in the newspaper, note that in the email. Publication priority is given to events in the city of Waverly and Bremer County.

Monday, Feb. 3

• Waverly City Council regular meeting, 7 p.m., inside City Council chambers at Waverly City Hall, 200 First St. NW, Waverly.

• The Waverly Public Library Pokémon Club meets every Monday from 5-7 p.m. to play the famous trading card game Pokémon. Bring your cards to battle, trade or just show off. All ages are welcome.

• The Waverly Senior Center is hosting at 9 a.m. the Seniors in Motion exercise class. At 1 p.m., Ladies Bible study will be hosted. The senior center is located at 506 E. Bremer Ave. Call 319-352-5678 for more information.

Tuesday, Feb. 4

• Bremer County Supervisors regular meeting, 9 a.m., inside the Bremer County Courthouse, Supervisors’ Office on the Lower Level, 415 E. Bremer Ave., Waverly. Agendas are posted online several days before meetings on the county website. For more information, call (319) 352-0130.

• The Waverly Senior Center is hosting at 7 a.m. the Kiwanis Club breakfast, followed at 9 a.m. by the Faculty Guys & Gals breakfast. At 12:45 p.m., a performance by the Duplicators will be hosted. The senior center is located at 506 E. Bremer Ave. Call 319-352-5678 for more information.

Thursday, Feb. 6

The VFW Post 2208 is hosting a pork loin meal on Thursday, Feb. 6. Reservations are required for dine in or to-go meal and must be made by 6 p.m., Feb. 5. Orders can be telephoned in to the Waverly Area Veterans Post at 319-483-9287 or by filling out the meal order form on the WAVP’s Facebook page. The meal will be served from 5:30 — 7 p.m. and will be hosted at the WAVP, 1300 Fourth St. NW. The to-go meals can be picked up at the building’s upper-level drive-up entrance. This meal is open to the public.

Friday, Feb. 7

• The Waverly Senior Center is hosting at 9 a.m. the Seniors in Motion exercise class. At 11:30 a.m., Comfort Food Friday will be hosted. The senior center is located at 506 E. Bremer Ave. Call 319-352-5678 for more information.

• Comfort Food Friday at the Waverly Senior Center is set for 11:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 7. A freewill offering is welcome, with the suggested donation being $6. The meal is served dine-in at 506 E. Bremer Ave. Take-out meals can be picked up between 11:30 a,m. and noon. Dine-in 12:15 p.m. Reservations are required for this meal. Please call 352-5678 by Thursday, Feb. 6, at 1 p.m. The guest speaker has not been determined. The menu for Friday, Feb. 7, includes a BBQ pulled pork sandwich, baked beans, potato chips and chocolate chip cookie.

Sunday, Feb. 9

• The Waverly Chamber Music Series hosts the fifth concert of the 2024-25 season on Sunday, Feb. 9, at 2 p.m., featuring “Invoke,” a string quartet group that performs a variety of musical genres. The concert is being hosted in the Narthex of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School, located at 301 First St. NW There is no cost to attend, but donations to support the series will be gratefully accepted. For more information, please contact the Waverly Chamber Music Series at or visit their website at .

• The Denver Boy Scouts Troop 118 is hosting a pancake breakfast on Sunday, Feb. 9, from 8 a.m. to noon to help raise funds for Troop 118. Proceeds from the breakfast will be used to purchase much-needed camping equipment, tents and to cover the costs of summer camp for our Scouts. The breakfast is being hosted at the Denver American Legion post, 161 E. Main St. Cost is a freewill donation.

Monday, Feb. 10

• The Waverly Public Library Pokémon Club meets every Monday from 5-7 p.m. to play the famous trading card game Pokémon. Bring your cards to battle, trade or just show off. All ages are welcome.

• The Waverly Senior Center is hosting at 9 a.m. the Seniors in Motion exercise class. The senior center is located at 506 E. Bremer Ave. Call 319-352-5678 for more information.

Tuesday, Feb. 11

• Bremer County Supervisors regular meeting, 9 a.m., inside the Bremer County Courthouse, Supervisors’ Office on the Lower Level, 415 E. Bremer Ave., Waverly. Agendas are posted online several days before meetings on the county website. For more information, call (319) 352-0130.

Thursday, Feb. 13

• The Waverly Public Library’s Keep On Learning Program has a series of events geared towards lifelong learners. The monthly events are hosted on the second Thursday of each month from 9:30 — 11:30 a.m. and feature local experts on a wide swath of topics. The Feb. 13 topic is female composers with presenter Rebecca Nederheiser. Check out the library’s Facebook page for additional info and upcoming topics, or contact librarian Lindsey Kuhlmann at (319) 352-1223.

Friday, Feb. 14

• Comfort Food Friday at the Waverly Senior Center is set for 11:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 14. A freewill offering is welcome, with the suggested donation being $6. The meal is served dine-in at 506 E. Bremer Ave. Take-out meals can be picked up between 11:30 a.m. and noon. Dine-in 12:15 p.m. Reservations are required for this meal. Please call 352-5678 by Thursday, Feb. 13, at 1 p.m. The guest speaker has not been determined. The menu for Friday, Feb. 14, is shepherd’s pie, cheesy broccoli soup and crackers, garlic bread and raspberry poke cake.

Saturday, Feb. 15

• Iowa state Sen. Sandy Salmon (R-Janesville) will host a town hall meeting in the city of Denver from 11 a.m. to noon inside the Denver Public Library’s Community Room, 100 Washington St.

Monday, Feb. 17

• Waverly City Council regular meeting; 7 p.m. inside City Council chambers at Waverly City Hall, 200 First St. NW, Waverly.

• Officials from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources are hosting a series of town hall-style meetings across the state to provide updates on recently completed hunting and trapping seasons, discuss possible changes to hunting and trapping rules and regulations, and address other topics as requested. The Waverly town hall is scheduled for, Monday, Feb. 17, at 6 p.m., in the Waverly Public Library, 1500 W. Bremer Ave.

• The Waverly Public Library Pokémon Club meets every Monday from 5-7 p.m. to play the famous trading card game Pokémon. Bring your cards to battle, trade or just show off. All ages are welcome.

Tuesday, Feb. 18

• Bremer County Supervisors regular meeting, 9 a.m., inside the Bremer County Courthouse, Supervisors’ Office on the Lower Level, 415 E. Bremer Ave., Waverly. Agendas are posted online several days before meetings on the county website. For more information, call (319) 352-0130.

Wednesday, Feb. 19

• LifeServe Blood Center has scheduled blood drives across Iowa in February, including in Waverly on Wednesday, Feb. 19, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Waverly Arena, Veterans Post 1300 4th St. NW. Officials ask community members who are eligible to donate blood and help educate others on the importance of heart health. To schedule a blood donation appointment, donors can visit , or call (800) 287-4903.

Friday, Feb. 21

• The WAVP Cod Fish Dinner is scheduled at 1300 4th St. NW. The curbside to-go service runs from 5-6 p.m. The dine-in service kicks-off at 5:30 p.m. and runs until 7 p.m. Reservations should be made by telephoning 319-483-9287.

• Comfort Food Friday at the Waverly Senior Center is set for 11:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 21. A “free will offering†is welcome, with the suggested donation being $6. The meal is served dine-in at 506 E. Bremer Ave. Take-out meals can be picked up between 11:30 a,m. and noon. Dine-in 12:15 p.m. Reservations are required for this meal. Please call 352-5678 by Thursday, Feb. 20, at 1 p.m. The guest speaker has not been determined. The menu for Friday, Feb. 21, is: spaghetti with meat sauce, garden salad, garlic stick and a brownie.

Monday, Feb. 24

• Waverly City Council non-voting planning meeting, 7 p.m., inside City Council chambers at Waverly City Hall, 200 First St. NW, Waverly. (During these meetings, the council does not vote on any official agenda action item.)The public is welcome.

• The Waverly Public Library Pokémon Club meets every Monday from 5-7 p.m. to play the famous trading card game Pokémon. Bring your cards to battle, trade or just show off. All ages are welcome.

Saturday, Feb. 22

• The AMVETS Steak Fry is scheduled for Reservations are necessary, and they can be made any evening the week before 2 p.m. on Feb. 22 by calling 319-483-9287. The menu is sirloin, ribeye, New York Strip, filet Mignon, Iowa chop, chicken or potato and salad. The dinner is hosted at 1300 4th St NW.

Thursday, Feb. 27

• The AMVETS Auxiliary Meal will be hosted, with curbside/ to-go pick-up from 5-6 p.m., and dine-in from 5:30-7 p.m. Reservations are required, and can be made by telephoning: 319-483-9287. The menu includes: chili, assorted condiments, ciabata rolls, a relish tray and dessert. The meal is hosted at 1300 4th St NW.

Friday, Feb. 28

• Comfort Food Friday at the Waverly Senior Center is set for 11:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 28. A “free will offering†is welcome, with the suggested donation being $6. The meal is served dine-in at 506 E. Bremer Ave. Take-out meals can be picked up between 11:30 a,m. and noon. Dine-in 12:15 p.m. Reservations are required for this meal. Please call 352-5678 by Thursday, Feb. 27, at 1 p.m. The guest speaker has not been determined. The menu for Friday, Feb. 28, is: tomato bisque soup and crackers, grilled cheese and ham salad, relish tray and cream puff dessert.

Thursday, March 13

• The Waverly Public Library’s Keep On Learning Program has a series of events geared towards life-long learners. The monthly events are hosted on the second Thursday of each month from 9:30 — 11:30 a.m. and feature local experts on a wide swath of topics. The March 13 topic is religion and public schools with presenter Lee Weber. Check out the library’s Facebook page for additional info and upcoming topics, or contact librarian Lindsey Kuhlmann at 319-352-1223.

Monday, March 17

• The Waverly Public Library Pokémon Club meets every Monday from 5-7 p.m. to play the famous trading card game Pokémon. Bring your cards to battle, trade or just show off. All ages are welcome.

Monday, March 24

• The Waverly Public Library Pokémon Club meets every Monday from 5-7 p.m. to play the famous trading card game Pokémon. Bring your cards to battle, trade or just show off. All ages are welcome.

Thursday, April 10

• The Waverly Public Library’s Keep On Learning Program has a series of events geared towards life-long learners. The monthly events are hosted on the second Thursday of each month from 9:30 — 11:30 a.m. and feature local experts on a wide swath of topics. The April 10 topic is artificial intelligence with presenters Dennis Peterka and Lynn Montague. Check out the library’s Facebook page for additional info and upcoming topics, or contact librarian Lindsey Kuhlmann at 319-352-1223.

Thursday, May 8

• The Waverly Public Library’s Keep On Learning Program has a series of events geared towards life-long learners. The monthly events are hosted on the second Thursday of each month from 9:30 — 11:30 a.m. and feature local experts on a wide swath of topics. The May 8 topic is preserving history through photograph with presenter Lindsey Kuhlmann. Check out the library’s Facebook page for additional info and upcoming topics, or contact librarian Lindsey Kuhlmann at 319-352-1223.